Advanced, Durable and Reliable Digital Standee, Outdoor LED Display
Screen, Kiosk System, Advertising Look Walker, LED Glass Screen, LED
Video Wall Cabinet, etc.
Ananta Sales Corporation is a reputed manufacturer, supplier, and trader
of high-tech and modern digital standees, outdoor LED display screens,
kiosk systems, advertising look walkers, LED glass screens, LED video
wall cabinets, etc.
We provide full support to our customers and assist
them in areas of product designing, manufacturing, modeling, reverse
engineering, development, implementation, and many others. Amongst
these, we are also focused on providing reliable & state-of-the-art
technology to our customers that enhances their performance.
Quality Control
quality is tested by the in-house quality control department. The
department is managed by a team of expert quality controllers. They
check entire production processes on various parameters as per the
international standards. The final output also passes through quality
tests on the following parameters:
Dimensional accuracy
Performance, etc.
Our Team
professionals appointed by us have a committed approach and are working
to ensure full satisfaction for the clients. Our team members have been
selected on the basis of their qualifications, work experience, and
skills. We have appointed different professionals for accomplishing
different tasks. These professionals are:
Skilled workers
Quality inspectors
Warehouse personnel
Sales and marketing professionals.
These professionals are experts in their respective fields, thereby contributing to the growth of the company.